Call for Availability 954-591-0669


Navigating Recovery

Men's Christian Recovery Residence


We'll guide you through the process of building your recovery


Safe environment to help in your recovery


Connect you with the community

Discipleship House is now available in Miami Florida. We use the 12 Steps of Recovery along with the Gospel of Jesus Christ to guide men on the journey of a better life and a brighter future.


Our community consists of men seeking help that are willing to live under the rules of the Discipleship House, such as adhering to our mandatory meeting schedule and working the steps of recovery. They must maintain full time employment while living at the house. Each resident is responsible to pay for their rent each Friday. Residents must keep bed made and apartment clean.

What Is Provided

Discipleship House is committed to help each man gain permanent sobriety, and part of the recipe for that is employment. We help each man get a job to be able to pay the rent and his own personal bills. We provide transportation to meetings through the week and Church service on the weekends. We provide a safe place for the residents by holding  everyone accountable through  random drug testing. Each man is required to have a sponsor through the twelve step meetings, and is also required to complete the 12 Steps before graduation from the house or to be eligible for the dive program with DH Scuba.

We take on each persons battles and join along side them as a unified team, helping each other fight for our lives in recovery. Our program of recovery works at the Discipleship House because it is practiced by all staff members and the residents who live here. It is required for all residents to be actively working with sponsors through the twelve step program. They are also surrounded by guidance and counsel from our staff, which aids in the development of each man's recovery.

At the Discipleship House, we believe that fighting addiction is a war with an enemy that can't be seen. However, this enemy cripples men and takes lives. So, at the Discipleship House, we have a ranking system similar to the Armed Forces. When a person enters into the house, they start out as a Private. Then, when certain mile markers in their recovery are completed, they advance to a Corporal and finally Sergeants.


Requirement: Willingness

Privileges: None


Requirement: Obtained full time employment, Completed step 5 with a sponsor

Privileges: 10:30pm Curfew,


Requirement: Maintained full-time employment, Completed all 12 steps with a sponsor and is actively taking someone through the twelve steps.

Privileges: 12am curfew, off from mandatory meeting schedule but must go to three meetings of their choice.

Discipleship Is Our Mission

Our recovery-residence teaches what it means to be a man after God's own heart.  We provide a brotherhood of fellowship among the staff and residences and how important that is in recovery.

Kenny Johnson
Spiritual Leader
Kenny Johnson Spiritual Leader

Call Anytime

We want to help you find permanent sobriety
